Explore Hampton Court Palace’s Gardens With These Lovely, Peaceful Videos

Explore Hampton Court Palace’s Gardens With These Lovely, Peaceful Videos

We all need some peace and tranquility right now.

So, what better way to achieve this than a calming video (or two) courtesy of the currently untouched gardens of Hampton Court Palace? Transporting yourself to the beautiful swathes of colourful plants could keep us stress heads relaxed anytime. (Featured image: @meganh278, Instagram)

It would be lovely to wander among them for real, but we all know that isn’t possible quite yet. Besides, there’s something to be said for viewing it here without crowds of people blocking the full view. I mean, just look at (and listen to!) it…

Stunning flowers topped off with the sounds of birdsong and a splashing fountain make us all long to be out in the open again. But, even virtually, this royal view of Hampton Court’s Pond Gardens is always relaxing.

You can also experience a full panoramic view of the Privy Garden. This includes a view of the spectacular palace. It probably hasn’t seen this much peace since King Henry VIII used it as his home. (After he’d gone to bed that is, we hear he may have had a bit of a temper…)

Plus, these videos aren’t weather-permitting like a real life visit might be. You can relax to the quiescent videos as the rain daggers your windows, or when the sun glares down on your own garden.

You can view these videos and more over at Hampton Court Palace’s Facebook page.

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